Wednesday, June 13, 2012


In my photography class we were given a map with an interesection circled. I was so excited about my intersection! It was so awesome. It had a stream with bridges and lots of interesting things. The weather that night was so perfect! I loved the lighting. Today I printed the photo above and below these words in black and white. The photo lab assistant liked them so I was excited.
These photo's have a more abstract feel than my other photo's. That could be because I don't normally go to a random neighborhood to take pictures. In my photography class we critique each others photo's up on the projector. There have been at least two photo's of a cat each week. I don't really mind them. Some people in the class hate cats so they really hate cat pictures. These people were kind of freaking out about how dumb it is to take a photo of a cat. My friend joked that she would submit a photo of a cat to see their reaction. Well my location for our grid assigment had a pet hotel! There were cat's all over the place. I'm submitting the photo below:) Can you find the cat? There's also a shadow of another cat in the picutre.

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