Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sunny Day

I love this Salt Lake Temple so much! Here are more pictures I took today...

I think furry bees look so cool.

f.y.i. this last picture is not upside down. It's just a reflection.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I hadn't posted my apricot blossom picture yet, so I figured the seasons would be fun. They taste so good this year!!:)

Monday, July 25, 2011


Today I just got back from Palisades. I love camping there it's so beautiful. We kayaked on the lake, cooked smores, and relaxed. Camping is the best :)

The water is really high this year so there was a whole bunch of wood in some places. 
The photo below is of the huge pile they gathered.

This photo is the first one posted, but I like it in black and white too.

Gorgeous right? :)

p.s. Thank you so much to all of you who leave me such nice comments! They make my day! :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Cute kiddos!!!:) {full post}

I loved this shoot so much!!:) I kept finding myself smiling as I was editing because they are just so stinking cute!! They were so cooperative and did exactly as I told them. Their mom picked this location, I'd never been there before. When I was looking around I was so excited. It's a perfect place for pictures.

Handsome boys:)
Isn't she so adorable?!

I think barefeet are so cute:)

She's so goregeous!!!:)

I told them to be silly in the one below. I love it:) They are so fun!

 This is one of my favorites:)

 We decided we needed some more singles of her, so we went up to this table and then....
 ...her little brother came up and did this without me even telling his to! He's so sweet:)
What and amazing family!:)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cutes kiddos!!!! :)

Right now I am editing these way cute kiddos from my session today. I keep saying over and over "they are so stinkin cute!" I loved this session! More to come soon!