Monday, April 18, 2011

The Greatest Place

Get ready for and extra long post. I just got home from a two week trip to California. It was SO great! I got to meet so many amazing people and visit some beautiful places. These pictures will probably take up two or maybe three posts. Leave me a comment!:)

This is at Dana Point on the running trail. It was so pretty!

 Then we went to Newport Temple.

Newport Temple had so many different flowers outside. The one below is one of my favorites.

 I had no idea that California had so much wildlife. They had so many little rabbits running all over.

I loved the details everywhere.

We stayed at the Marina Inn for a couple of nights and walked aroud the boat docks.

I LOVE the BEACH!!!!!!! :)

Old Town

This little girl is SO cute!!! She was so much fun taking pictures of.